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Green Milkweed
Green Milkweed
Green Milkweed
Green Milkweed
Green Milkweed
Green Milkweed

Green Milkweed

Asclepias viridis
Note : During our spring season, preparation of materials for careful packaging of plants before shipping typically takes 14 business days, in addition to the standard shipping times.

Height: 1.5’-2.5’
Spread 1’-2’
Bloom: April-September
Light: Full Sun
Water: Low, Medium
Zone: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Origin: Texas
Deer Resistant:

Green Milkweed, known as a perennial forb or herb with alternate, entire leaves, is a native plant. The leaves often have wavy margins. The plant produces white umbel-shaped flowers, usually one per plant, in umbels, with each flower (gynostegium) having a purple or rose-colored center. These milkweeds bloom from late spring to mid-summer and exude a milky substance that resembles 'Elmer's glue' when broken.

Green Milkweed is found in Kansas and Texas pastures, roadside ditches, prairies, open areas, and other areas with little vegetation competition. Cattle and horses generally avoid it. 

Some butterflies love this member of the milkweed family. It grows intermittently throughout the growing season through summer's end in rich and poor soils. It spreads widely and needs little water and full sun to thrive.

Nectar Source Plant: Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes), Common Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus communis), Giant Swallowtail ( Papilio cresphontes), Large Wood Nymph (Cercyonis pegala), Mourning Cloak ( Nymphalis antiopa), Queen (Danaus gilippus), Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis), Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta), Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio glaucus)

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