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Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit
Sustain the Migration Kit

Sustain the Migration Kit

Note : During our spring season, preparation of materials for careful packaging of plants before shipping typically takes 14 business days, in addition to the standard shipping times.

Sustain the Migration Kit

This individually packaged kit includes:

5 native milkweed packets (Antelope Horns, Green Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Showy Milkweed and Swamp Milkweed), Planting Instructions from our farm, & Horticultural Vermiculite for cold-stratification to enhance vigorous seed germination. Monarch butterflies are famous for their epoch migrations spanning the lifetime of 4-generations, traveling from one overwintering region in Mexico... to Canada and back. No single individual makes the entire trip. Along the way, when timing is right, female monarchs lay their eggs onto native milkweeds that quickly hatch in 4 days.

Larvae feed on milkweed for about three weeks before the final caterpillar stage molts into a chrysalis or pupa. In two or three more weeks, depending on temperature, the pupal case becomes transparent and the new adult butterfly's folded wings can be seen. Within a day or so, the pupal case cracks and the Monarch emerges. After several hours, the wings dry and it flies away... continuing the migration in search for nectar. Efforts to protect the Monarch Butterfly and bolster it's migration are under way. Now is the time to plant and help weave the web of life.

You can become an integral part. Help safeguard the future of the Monarch Butterfly and it's amazing migration.


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